「hitomi/SELF PORTRAIT」hitomi定価: ¥ 3200#hitomi #CD・DVD #best #ベストSpanning her eight-year career, ‘Self Portrait’ is a selection of Hitomi’s best songs dating from 1994 to the present day. A fantastic 2CD set, disc 1 features hit songs including ‘Love 2000’, ‘Maria’, ‘Samurai Drive’ and ‘Kimi Ni Kiss’, while disc 2 comprises new recordings of her staple songs. Hitomi cheers everyone up, especially young women, on uplifting songs, which have taken her from being a pop idol to being a famous singer and fashion leader. This is a stunning and ultimate collection from the currently most energetic female artist in Japanese pop music.「Do The A-side」CD+DVDDo As Infinity#DoAsInfinity #Do_As_Infinity #CD・DVDコレがあればDAIがわかる!ドラマタイアップ曲のラブバラードやアップテンポナンバーなど、耳にしたことのあるヒットナンバーオンパレード!「Tangerine Dream」「Heart」「Oasis」「陽のあたる坂道」「under the sun」「真実の詩」他を収録した2枚組シングル・コレクション。