ビンテージのチェックシャツです。温かみのある色味で季節問わず着用できると思います。サイズ表記L着丈約78 身幅約62 肩幅約51polo ralph lauren brooks brothers banana republic gap oldgap 90s gap landsend pulitan stussy supreme polar skate co magenta quartersnacks alltimers gx1000 carhartt comfortable reason palace orvis ftc steven alan sundays best siesta brain dead champion diaspora dickies huf ftc woolrich nautica uniqlo u bronze56k dime jhakx carhartt quasi brain dead arrow cons under the sun columbia the north face patagonia bronze56k pop trading company danton bshop hellrazor rutsubo vans cons kirime mont-bell X-Large burlap outfitter arrow new balance balansa pass port ctc store columbia